
Iona Hindes
PhD student
Iona graduated with a BA (Hons) in Anthropology from Durham University in 2019 and a Masters in Population Health from University College London in 2021.
She has recently begun her Ph.D. at WIPH, supervised by Dr. Stamatina Iliodromiti at the Center for Women's Health.
She is an NIHR SPCR doctoral student and her project will explore through mixed methods how national COVID lockdowns impacted maternal and neonatal health outcomes.

Ioannis Karapanos
PhD student
Ioannis is a Clinical Research Fellow in the Fetal Medicine Unit of Royal London Hospital.
He is also doing a postgraduate degree (MD-Res) at Queen Mary University of London.
He graduated from the medical school of University of Patra in 2011 and has also completed a MSc in Prenatal Genetics and Fetal Medicine from University College London.
He joined the London School of Specialty Training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2016 and currently is on an Out of Programme Research Fellowship in order to achieve a higher education degree.
His research project, which is funded by the National Institute of Health and Research (NIHR), is called "Understand; this study aims to improve communication and decision making in women with mental health conditions in fetal medicine.